Productivity Tools – Job Interview Meme

For our third and final meme, we had a free choice concerning the topic. At the beginning of the class where we decided what topics our other two memes would be, various other topics were written on the whiteboard. Job Interviews happened to be one of them, so we adopted this topic for our free choice meme.

Here is the Job Interview meme:


This meme focuses on the anxiety that can arise when being asked questions about yourself. The image of choice is a screenshot from an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants where he is asked what his name is. This scene is a visualization of him trying to remember. Similarly, knowing what to say to an interviewer can cause this same kind of feeling which is why we thought it would be a good fit.

To create this meme, we first went to YouTube to find this clip and created a screenshot of the scene shown above. Once we had this, we inserted it into Word and selected the Behind Text layout option. Next, we added the text for the meme, selected it, and then selected Insert Word art. When considering what exactly we would say, from seeing other popular memes, we wanted to keep it short and simple, allowing for the image to do the talking. To style the text, we changed the font to Impact, color to white, and text to left-justified. We chose this because it reflects how many popular memes are styled. To layer the text over the image, we simply selected the image and dragged it behind the text. As previously stated, this worked because we set the image layout to Behind Text.

In all of this, we also considered the CRAP principles, especially when determining where the text should be placed on the image. We ultimately chose to left-align everything and place it at the top of the image to ensure that it would have proximity, alignment, and overall easy readability.

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